uShare 0.9.9

  • added support for FreeBSD.
  • fixed support for 2GB+ files.
  • added basic support for 'Search' action.
  • support for XboX 360 is finally working (please note that to stream video to the XboX, the console should be running dashboard version 2.0.4552.0 and only unprotected .wmv files are supported
  • new RedBlack balanced tree searching and sorting algorithm used instead of the recursive one. It avoids recursive calls, takes less memory (perfect for embedded systems) and executes in more "constant time" than the logarithmic style.
  • massive memory optimization (uShare now takes 75% less RAM ;-) only not using fixed size URL allocation buffer (a 16000+ files collection now only takes 5MB where it used to take 19MB).
  • Fixed bug with localization, use now --localedir configure's option to set location of .mo files.
  • make libupnp >= 1.4.2 a requirement.
