今日のx86froyoのrepo sync

From git://android.git.kernel.org/platform/packages/apps/Email
   fb060de..8b36acb  froyo      -> korg/froyo
From git://android.git.kernel.org/platform/packages/inputmethods/LatinIME
   7697133..88e7b49  froyo      -> korg/froyo

Backport: Handle "Allow non-provisionable devices" properly

* Backport from master branch
* Send policy key of "0" when validating; this gets us the policies
even if "Allow..." is enabled (currently, we simply don't see the
* If we don't support all of the policies, send back the response
code indicating support for partial support. If we get a positive
response back, then we're good to go - the server allows devices
with partial support. Otherwise, we fail as we always have - with
the toast indicating that the device doesn't support required
* Remove PolicySet.isSupported() and ensure proper field ranges
within the constructor
* Update tests as appropriate

Bug: 2759782

Handle correction of rejected Ping heartbeat

* Handle status 5 for Ping command (heartbeat of out range)
* Write unit test for heartbeat reset

Bug: 2834195

Backport https://android-git.corp.google.com/g/#change,52371 to Froyo. Fix
