repo download を使ってみる

パッチを取り込むのにrepo downloadコマンドを使ってみた。

repo download target change

Downloads the specified change into the specified local directory. (Added to Repo as of version 1.0.4.)

For example, to download change 1241 into your platform/frameworks/base directory:
$ repo download platform/frameworks/base 1241

A"repo sync"should effectively remove any commits retrieved via "repo download".Or, you can check out the remote branch; e.g., "git checkout m/master".

Note: As of Jan. 26, 2009, there is a mirroring lag of approximately 5 minutes between when a change is visible on the web in Gerrit and when repo download will be able to find it, because changes are actually downloaded off the git:// mirror farm. There will always be a slight mirroring lag as Gerrit pushes newly uploaded changes out to the mirror farm.


gb64build:~# cd mydroid/
gb64build:~/mydroid# ~/bin/repo download platform/system/core 16213/5
remote: Counting objects: 9, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (5/5), done.
remote: Total 5 (delta 4), reused 0 (delta 0)
Unpacking objects: 100% (5/5), done.
From git://
 * branch            refs/changes/13/16213/5 -> FETCH_HEAD
Previous HEAD position was 660c8b7... am cbb9257a: Merge "Fix debuggerd (native crash dump)."
HEAD is now at 18a0075... init: Fix parser line numbering
