

設定の変更は、System-Systemに"Language and Style"タブがある。
しかしLanguage auto以外は選べない。

root@OpenWrt:/# uci show | grep lang


root@OpenWrt:/# opkg list | grep luci-i18n-japanese


root@OpenWrt:/# opkg list | grep luci | grep ja
luci-i18n-ahcp-ja - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1 - Translation for luci-app-ahcp - 日本語 (Japanese)
luci-i18n-asterisk-ja - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1 - Translation for luci-app-asterisk - 日本語 (Japanese)
luci-i18n-base-ja - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1 - Translation for luci-base - 日本語 (Japanese)
luci-i18n-commands-ja - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1 - Translation for luci-app-commands - 日本語 (Japanese)
luci-i18n-ddns-ja - 2.2.4-1 - Translation for luci-app-ddns - 日本語 (Japanese)
luci-i18n-diag-core-ja - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1 - Translation for luci-app-diag-core - 日本語 (Japanese)
luci-i18n-firewall-ja - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1 - Translation for luci-app-firewall - 日本語 (Japanese)
luci-i18n-freifunk-ja - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1 - Translation for luci-mod-freifunk - 日本語 (Japanese)
luci-i18n-freifunk-policyrouting-ja - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1 - Translation for luci-app-freifunk-policyrouting - 日本語 (Japanese)
luci-i18n-hd-idle-ja - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1 - Translation for luci-app-hd-idle - 日本語 (Japanese)
luci-i18n-meshwizard-ja - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1 - Translation for luci-app-meshwizard - 日本語 (Japanese)
luci-i18n-minidlna-ja - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1 - Translation for luci-app-minidlna - 日本語 (Japanese)
luci-i18n-mmc-over-gpio-ja - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1 - Translation for luci-app-mmc-over-gpio - 日本語 (Japanese)
luci-i18n-multiwan-ja - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1 - Translation for luci-app-multiwan - 日本語 (Japanese)
luci-i18n-ntpc-ja - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1 - Translation for luci-app-ntpc - 日本語 (Japanese)
luci-i18n-olsr-ja - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1 - Translation for luci-app-olsr - 日本語 (Japanese)
luci-i18n-openvpn-ja - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1 - Translation for luci-app-openvpn - 日本語 (Japanese)
luci-i18n-p2pblock-ja - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1 - Translation for luci-app-p2pblock - 日本語 (Japanese)
luci-i18n-p910nd-ja - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1 - Translation for luci-app-p910nd - 日本語 (Japanese)
luci-i18n-pbx-ja - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1 - Translation for luci-app-pbx - 日本語 (Japanese)
luci-i18n-pbx-voicemail-ja - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1 - Translation for luci-app-pbx-voicemail - 日本語 (Japanese)
luci-i18n-polipo-ja - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1 - Translation for luci-app-polipo - 日本語 (Japanese)
luci-i18n-qos-ja - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1 - Translation for luci-app-qos - 日本語 (Japanese)
luci-i18n-radvd-ja - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1 - Translation for luci-app-radvd - 日本語 (Japanese)
luci-i18n-samba-ja - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1 - Translation for luci-app-samba - 日本語 (Japanese)
luci-i18n-splash-ja - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1 - Translation for luci-app-splash - 日本語 (Japanese)
luci-i18n-statistics-ja - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1 - Translation for luci-app-statistics - 日本語 (Japanese)
luci-i18n-tinyproxy-ja - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1 - Translation for luci-app-tinyproxy - 日本語 (Japanese)
luci-i18n-transmission-ja - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1 - Translation for luci-app-transmission - 日本語 (Japanese)
luci-i18n-upnp-ja - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1 - Translation for luci-app-upnp - 日本語 (Japanese)
luci-i18n-vnstat-ja - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1 - Translation for luci-app-vnstat - 日本語 (Japanese)
luci-i18n-voice-core-ja - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1 - Translation for luci-app-voice-core - 日本語 (Japanese)
luci-i18n-watchcat-ja - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1 - Translation for luci-app-watchcat - 日本語 (Japanese)
luci-i18n-wol-ja - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1 - Translation for luci-app-wol - 日本語 (Japanese)
luci-i18n-wshaper-ja - git-16.018.33482-3201903-1 - Translation for luci-app-wshaper - 日本語 (Japanese)



root@OpenWrt:/# opkg install luci-i18n-base-ja
Installing luci-i18n-base-ja (git-16.018.33482-3201903-1) to root...
Configuring luci-i18n-base-ja.

System-Systemの"Language and Style"タブで、auto以外に日本語の選択が出てきた。